Map "The Dreamwell Enigma: Barlington Estate"

The Dreamwell Enigma: Barlington Estate
Single Player
(map requires Plasma Pack)
Explore Master Barlington's estate, also home to his exclusive gentlemen's club including some prominent figures of the area, owners of influential businesses; Cobbleson & Son's Crimson Brewery, Leroux's Médaillon Bathhouse, Ashford's Bank and Trust, etc. Strange activities have been taking place at the estate and these men are likely involved. Rumours also spread about a new religious cult forming and gossip regarding Barlington's mental health as of late. Sudden disappearances have been reported surrounding the area, but no concrete evidence pointing to the club itself. What secrets are they hiding? Break inside, rummage around, seek documents and discover the truth, no matter how far you must dig to find it.
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on 2017-01-25 comment
the code is: ESMF

Sir Seizhak on 2017-01-23 comment
Someone solved the key sings puzzle? I have no idea where I should get the hints.
BME on 2017-01-24
Yeah same here, I did only find 2 of'm
The hints are on the wall and make not that much sense at first, but one is in the library and the other in the chapel, hence; knowledge and prayer.
on 2017-01-24
Ah wait, there one more I found that corresponds with 'Dreams' ;)
I assume the 'good wine' can be found in a cellar.
BME on 2017-01-24
'good wine' can be found at the bar.

BME on 2017-01-08 comment
Very nice architecture, great atmosphere, may be a little demanding on the framerate in places where the spritework is quite detailed but that's not a big problem as the map still looks fairly good in a lower resolution.

Towards the end in the underground, which is also nicely crafted, it is fairly easy to run passed all the enemies to the exit. The flare pistol and TNT bundles in the tunnel behind the iron fence hints to a sequel

smilie wink engel tongue grins verwirrt shocked cool frown dizzy angry1 angry2 alien love

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smilie wink engel tongue grins verwirrt shocked cool frown dizzy angry1 angry2 alien love