Map "Nuthouse V1"

Nuthouse V1
Single Player
this is version 1 of my Nuthouse map which is basically a run down Funhouse. One side is very dark and the other is very much alive.
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shaun on 2012-03-17 comment
theres no ending?

wangho on 2010-04-23 comment
I used red sectors for the entire map because I didnt know any better. It was one of my very first attempts with mapedit
smilie wink engel tongue grins verwirrt shocked cool frown dizzy angry1 angry2 alien love

ILMHB on 2010-04-12 comment
I just wonder why you primarily used red sectors for almost the entire map?!

ILMHB on 2010-04-12 comment
This is actually quite fun! I like the fog and that specter coming out in the beginning. The inside is also well done, many surprises awaits!

Jerry on 2009-04-16 comment
You can sense real fear from unknown in this map. Add more enemies and ending and it will be perfect map.

wangho on 2008-06-20 comment
wow, this is was an incomplete and even older version than the first one I released a year ago. I may not even have the original any longer. This is crap though, just wait for the new version in the BPF addon.

Bruce on 2008-06-18 comment
As dark and bizarre as Stephen King's mind ^^
Love the electric chair-guy.
Good job Wang

Billyclub on 2008-05-29 comment
I love the fog effect outside and look of the house. It's a little too dark though, but looks nice on the other. Love the theatre! props

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smilie wink engel tongue grins verwirrt shocked cool frown dizzy angry1 angry2 alien love